Styles of business communication: space of activity and individual professional realization. Part 1*

Larisa A. Sizova
Ph.D. in Psychology, Chief Nurse

Scientific Research Institute – Regional Clinical
Hospital No. 1 named after prof. S.V. Ochapovsky,
15, Line 4 of the PRK st., Krasnodar, 350047, Russia;

Olga V. Ryutina
Senior Psychologist

Penal Colony No. 2 of the Department
of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Moscow region,
21, Panfilov st., Zelenograd, Moscow region, 124575, Russia;

Veronika V. Vilches-Nogerol
Ph.D. Student

Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics
of MIREA – Russian Technological University,
78, Vernadskiy av., Moscow, 119454, Russia;

The research deals with styles of business communication, which appears to be a topical issue nowadays. Its topicality correlates with the current needs and trends in the sphere of professional activity: in personnel selection the focus is on the ability to solve specific problems, not just on the profession; orientation is not towards an individual person but towards joint activity in a unique environment; there is an emphasis on complex assessment and employment of the resources, not of separate qualities of a person, etc. The purpose of the present study is a comparative analysis of business communication styles in the samples of penal colony employees, hospital nurses and managers. The subject of research is business communication styles of persons engaged in socionomic professions. Hypotheses of the study are as follows: 1) Styles of business communication are determined by the conditions of the environment; 2) In each particular environment, there are assumed to be some style niches, within the boundaries of which a person chooses certain patterns of behavior. Research methods: expert survey, psychodiagnostics (test questionnaires «Coping behavior in stressful situations» and «Questionnaire for ways of coping» by T. Kryukova, test questionnaires 16-PF by R.B. Cattell, questionnaire «Level of subjective control»); research technique — questionnaire «Styles of business communication» by V.A. Tolochek. In this article, we consider only the results obtained with the help of the research technique. According to the results, in each of the three samples there are distinguished six styles whose features are determined by environmental conditions, which confirms the working hypotheses.

Keywords: styles of business communication; interaction; professional realization; penal colony employees; hospital nurses; managers.



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Received 30.09.2019

For citation:

Sizova L.A., Ryutina O.V., Vilches-Nogerol V.V. [Styles of business communication: space of activity and individual professional realization. Part 1]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology»], 2019, issue 4, pp. 539–550 (in Russian). DOI:


* Исследование поддержано грантом РФФИ № 19-013-00550 «Стили делового общения: пространство и стратегии взаимодействия, ресурсы успешности субъектов».