Congruence of relevance systems in the communicative space of the military service culture

Yuriy A. Panasenko
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Docent,
Deputy Head in Training and Science

Branch of Military Training Scientific Center of Military Air Forces
«Military Air Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky
and Yu.A. Gagarin»  in Chelyabinsk,
1, Gorodok-11, Chelyabinsk, 454015, Russia;

The article examines the problem of establishing the congruence of relevance systems in the communicative space of the military service culture. The rationale for the concept «honor», which is relevant to dignity, is given. A high personal military culture determines the authority of the military specialist, encouraging others to appreciate and take into account his opinion. The personal values of the warrior formed on this basis are of the social and public nature, as they manifest themselves in interaction and communication with other people. This paper emphasizes that values are individual, as they arise in the process of internal work of a person creating his own system of relevance. Both life experience and specific personality traits find their manifestation in this system. The study demonstrates that establishing the congruence of relevance systems is also aimed at finding ways to improve the combat capability of the army. For a soldier, the system of relevance serves as a kind of scale with assessment markers which help separate lies from truth, good from evil, legal from illegal. The work establishes that when making responsible decisions, a soldier acts in accordance with the individual values that have been developed in the process of his military enculturation. Relevance systems in the communicative space of military service influence the ideological position of an individual and perform a consolidating function, as they combine national and historical values, expectations of different social strata representatives. Due to these systems, in the military environment there is formed a natural mental pattern proclaiming the rebirth of the military community traditions that have been lost or once forgotten. Consequently, that reinforces the idea of the special importance of military work in the minds of military personnel.

Keywords: officer, combat capability, relevance, honor, dignity, enculturation, traditions, values, culture, military work, military team, duty, phenomenon.


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Received 22.08.2019



For citation:

Panasenko Yu.A. [Congruence of relevance systems in the communicative space of the military service culture]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology»], 2019, issue 4, pp. 451–459 (in Russian). DOI: