Russian version of the article

DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-141-152


Kirilina Tatiana Yurievna
Doctor of Sociology, Docent, Professor
of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere

Russian state social University,
4/1, Wilhelm Pieck str., Moscow, 129226, Russia;

Fomicheva Tatyana Vladimirovna
Ph.D. in Sociology, Docent, Assistant Professor
of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere

Russian state social University,
4/1, Wilhelm Pieck str., Moscow, 129226, Russia;

Yudina Tatiana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head
of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere

Russian state social University,
4/1, Wilhelm Pieck str., Moscow, 129226, Russia;

Dolgorukova Irina Vladimirovna
Doctor of Sociology, Docent, Professor
of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere

Russian state social University,
4/1, Wilhelm Pieck str., Moscow, 129226, Russia;

Kireev Egor Yurievich
Ph.D. in Sociology, Assistant Professor
of the Department of Sociology of the Social Sphere

Russian state social University,
4/1, Wilhelm Pieck str., Moscow, 129226, Russia;

The article based on materials of the all-Russian public opinion research on activities of internal Affairs bodies (police) in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Russian state social University in 2014–2015. Аnd analyze the estimate the terrorist threats population in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The authors examine the concern level the Russians with the terrorist acts threat at Federal and regional levels. Special attention is paid to studying citizens opinion about the activities effectiveness of the division to combat extremism/terrorism and the degree of trust the members of this unit in ensuring personal and property safety.

It is shown, that the almost two third of the Russians are worried about terrorist threat.

Analysis of the citizens’ confidence in the divisions to combat extremism/terrorism level shows that a bit more than a half of the Russians trust in their staff to ensure personal and material safety. A quarter of respondants does not trust them. The conclusion is that the level of confidence in division to combat extremism/terrorism has risen since 2014.

Keywords: terrorism, extremism, the terrorist threat, social anxiety, social concerns, risk society.


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The date of the manuscript receipt 08.05.2016

Please cite this article in English as:

Kirilinа T.Yu., Fomicheva T.V., Yudina T.N., Dolgorukova I.V., Kireev E.Yu. The assessment of terrorist threats in the regions of the Russian Federation // Perm University Herald. Series «Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology». 2016. Iss.3(27). P.141–152. doi: 10.17072/2078-7898/2016-3-141-152