Who needs this philosophy today? Part 1 Why there is some doubt about the need to teach philosophy in Russian universities


Who needs this philosophy today? Part 1. Why there is some doubt about the need to teach philosophy in Russian universities

Lyeva A. Musayelyan
Doctor of Philosophy, Docent,
Head of the Department of PhilosophyPerm State University,
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia;
ResearcherID: N-4762-2017

Culture is a synthetic characteristic of the level of development of human essence, manifested in human activity and the results of this activity, which include philosophy. However, philosophy is not an «ordinary» component of culture, it is «the quintessence of human culture» (Marx). The complexity of understanding a person as a universal social being and the versatility of his activities are the factors that determine the discussions in the interpretation of the essence of philosophy, its tasks, functions, and role in public life. According to the well-known definition of Hegel, philosophy is an epoch expressed in thoughts. To know an era or a particular society, it is necessary to study and understand their philosophy since it is an indicator of the state the existing social reality is in. The historical process is an expression of the developing human essence, which is also manifested in the development of philosophy itself. However, this process is of a contradictory, heterogeneous character, with powerful upsurges alternating with crises, which are also felt in philosophy itself. On the other hand, the state of philosophy is not a simple mirror reflection of the nature of the processes taking place in social reality. Here, as history shows, there is a mutual conditioning. Philosophy can contribute to the deepening of crisis tendencies in public life, but it can also help bring society out of a deep crisis and even change the vector of its historical movement.

Keywords: philosophy and social reality, crisis of civilization, intellectual crisis of modern society, human depersonalization, desubjectivization of social individuals, postmodernism.


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Received: 26.01.2022. Accepted: 05.03.2021

For citation:

Musayelyan L.A. [Who needs this philosophy today? Part 1. Why there is some doubt about the need to teach philosophy in Russian universities]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2022, issue 1, pp. 78–90 (in Russian). DOI: