On problematic issues of dance philosophy: semiotic and ontological aspects of dance movements


On problematic issues of dance philosophy: semiotic and ontological aspects of dance movements

Timofey G. Krysankov
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophical SciencesChelyabinsk State Institute of Culture,
36a, Ordzhonikidze st., Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia;
ResearcherID: ABG-6773-2021

One of the core objectives of dance philosophy is research into dance movements as the main means of artistic expression in choreography. This article aims to break the tether of semiotic interpretation of dance movements, to analyze them outside the context of any corporal movement-based practice, and to determine their ontological base, being an irrevocable and immanent quality of human nature itself. Based on various research works in the fields of philosophy, culture studies and art studies, the nature and specific features of the choreographic arts’ expressive language are defined. Semiotic approach to the expressive specifics of dance movements is critically re-evaluated. Its limitations connected with the interpretation of the nature of dance movements in the context of understanding the nature of art are substantiated. With the help of the method of phenomenological reduction, the dance is represented as an independent phenomenon. Three important qualities of the nature of dance movements are identified: they occur spontaneously under the influence of positive emotions, have a connection with a person’s special mental state, contribute to the harmonization of a person’s lifeworld. Dancing is characterized by «happiness affect», being a source of an individual’s motional activity. This is the state of happiness, positive and joyful emotions that direct a person towards self-actualization. The research is novel in that it defines the ontological aspect of dance movements as those occurring as a result of the «happiness affect» and transferring the energy arising in the human body into an objectified form. Feeling the increased ability of their body to act and its internal energy, doing dance movements, a person experiences satisfaction and joy, and as a result harmony fills their lifeworld.

Keywords: dance philosophy, semiotic aspect of dance movements, kinesthetic language, ontological aspect of dance movements, phenomenological reduction, «happiness affect».


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Received: 04.07.2021. Accepted: 12.09.2021

For citation:

Krysankov T.G. [On problematic issues of dance philosophy: semiotic and ontological aspects of dance movements]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Filosofia. Psihologia. Sociologia [Perm University Herald. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology], 2021, issue 4, pp. 604–612 (in Russian). DOI: